Tuesday, December 12, 2023

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Humans , including nations on earth ,,who deliberately make their own wicked corrupt idiotic laws on earth, and mock what Christianity’s Holy Ghost says through Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:17-20, are absolute hypocrites.

At any conjecture in time in human history.

Including this time period of man…

And hypocrisy has no value at all before jesus Christ.

As job 8:13, isiah 9:17 and Matthew 24:51 all warn humans on earth today…

The problem with that statement addressed is that most people on earth presently are doing just that in deliberate unneccacary sinful defiance of everything Christianity’s Holy Ghost compassionately teaches humans in this life in connection to Matthew 5:17-20.

Christs simple laws are not difficult to keep.

The problem with that statement though is that most humans on earth obviously hate christs simple laws and prefer riches and possessions and  satanic inventions of idiotic destructions galore over the impeccable sound decent holy teachings of Christ located for humans in Matthew 5:17-20’””.

Now on that note?

Just for the appropriate sake of record?

In obvious connection to the totally simple instructions  Jesus Christ teaches humans to follow in both Matthew 6:33 and Luke 4:4 of Christianity entirely so 
Literally speaking 

I actually  gave all devilish humans of this era of mankind   Very  simple instructions on how to save Mother Earth herself  and at the same time  honor christs simple laws addressed in Matthew 5:17-20’and 2nd kings 17:25-37 that basically even a mentally retarded howler monkey with the brain capacity of a terrestrial ostrich could have literally followed.

Even in the midst of man made modern transport inventions .

Such as planes trains and automobiles…
Through laser light technology.

Instead of through filthy gasoline run devilish transport inventions.

In all actuality.

Literally speaking.

Yet, in deliberately wicked hypocritical sinful deliberately idiotic defiance of every totally sane rational and decent holy instruction I gave this era of  humanity on such a simple subject addressed , humans today in devilish unison for the majority opted for basically countless hypocritical sinful modern technological corruptions galore over every decent instruction I gave humanity on such a subject.

So humans today in basic totally sinful totally evil callous self righteous idiotic sinful unison devilishly retardedly opted , infinitely hypocritically””” for totally infinite deliberate hypocrisies galore , regarding modern transport inventions, that all humans today clearly sinfully  held as precious above everything Jesus Christ teaches humans in this life.

And basically all humanity today devilishly totally idiotically  sinfully committed such grievous eternal hypocritical sins joyfully and deliberately in defiance of what Christianity warns humans of in hebrews 6:4-6 and the first epistle of John 2;15-17 and in total idiotic willingly  ridiculous absolute  defiance too of everything sane and rational in a decent Christian consensus  in this life…

And then incredibly?

At the same time that the near majority of all humanity today actually ridiculously totally idiotically , callously committed such totally idiotic deliberate unforgivable eternal transgressions and ridiculous obviously  eternal  sins which clearly idioticallyunforgivably mock what Christianity’s Holy Ghost says to all humanity in this life  in hebrews 6:4-6 specifically , ?

The same Idiots today for the majority complained to me that While I was riding a bicycle and , trying to save Mother Earth in riding a bicycle I was in the way of their totally unforgivable devilishly cursed hypocritical cars , that mercilessly destroy Mother Earth for no rational reason.

And so , because I wasn’t in a devilish car teaching human children how to wickedly hypocritically sinfully idiotically destroy Mother Earth , like such idiots today, I needed to be rebuked and for that they became threatening .

And then they said I needed to be killed.

Because I wasn’t killing Mother Earth .

like they do.

In connection to their defiance of Christianity’s warnings spoken to humans in both hebrews 10:26-27 and Matthew 18:7.


The ultimate crime therefore was what I was committing  according to such totally cursed obviously deliberately unforgivably hypocritical idiotic sinful devils who deliberately sinfully obviously unforgivably hypocritically drive cars on earth today.

And some of earths present devilish inhabitants who drove  such modern technological devilishly screwy cars under such idiotic ridiculous circumstances said I had  to ridiculously die for trying to save Mother Earth by riding a bicycle in such a matter.
And I had to die, according to such idiots , because I was not teaching human children how to destroy Mother Earth through cars  like they do.


This is quite a crazy Scenario on earth presently.

I obviously presently got a pack of totally sinful completely idiotic self righteous cursed devilish hypocrites  complaining to me that I’m doing the right thing by riding a bicycle.

Thisdevilishly enrages such fucking obviously deliberate sinful cursed assholes , who obviously devilishly idiotically sinfully ridiculously imbecilically  love cars and other forms of devilish evil technology above everything Jesus properly stands for in this existence presently.

By way of the devilish  works and idiotic words of such deliberately devilish idiots on earth, it’s totally obvious the majority of mankind today worship devilishly evil hypocritical cars and other forms of devilish modern technology above everything Christ stands for in decency in this life.

For example
If such goofs knew a cyclist would die if the cars they devilishly run continued running?

Devilish people today who obviously put cars and other forms of modern devilish technology above Jesus in all counts in this life ,would clearly break commandment six , infinitely gladly in order to kill a good person who rides a bicycle presently on earth.

That’s irrefutably obvious in connection to what Christianity warns humans of in Matthew 19;17 connected to James 2;10-11 for example.

 just so such devilish humans on earth today could keep their devilish cars hypocritically running .
And also  just 
So Mother Earth can suffer some more agony due to the running of their devilish cars . 


And the running of  their other ridiculously hypocritical modern devilish technology’s too.

Regarding the majority of earths present totally sinful devilishly idiotic hypocritical inhabitants.


That’s infinite hypocrisy in countless ways obviously  on the part of basically nearly all humanity today.

That’s totally and completely obvious , that’s what the majority of earths self righteous proud arrogant devilish sinful humans are doing!

Clearly that’s what’s happening here!

Against my holy will!
Connected to my true identity in this life attached to Christianitys scriptures located in both 2nd Esdras 7:29-32 of Christianity and c5q79 of the prophesies of Christianity attached to Nostradamus in this life likewise.


On that note ?

I have a question.

How do I proceed with such total sinful imbecilic idiocy’s galore being deliberately performed on the part of basically all totally  sinfully idiotic inhabitants of earth.

Presently in this formation of this existence.

Regarding humanity today.


How do I proceed with such a problem.

In order to stop mother earths sufferings in such a matter too.


Aw yes.

Or in connection to Matthew 18:7 and hebrews 6:4-6 for example so

By way of the two testimonial warnings of Christianity’s scriptures attached to both isiah 9;17 and Matthew 24;51 

What do I now say to such total deliberately hypocritical self righteous cursed hypocrites on earth today?

On that note?

Who deliberately unforgivably  sin deliberately in such a matter continually on that note.

I’m just curious.

What do I say?


You know what?

I’ll say this.

On that note.

To such deliberate evil unforgivable goofy devilish total hypocritical idiots I now say this.

You know?

No wonder Jesus speaks the words that Jesus speaks through Christianity’s Holy Ghost in Matthew 7:13-23.

On that note.

And no wonder Christianity’s Holy Ghost says through saint Peter that 2nd Peter 3:7-17 is factual on such a subject.

In connection to oooo say 2nd Esdras 13 and 2nd Esdras 7:29-32.

Of Christianity.

For example.



Words spoken in Christianity veridical veracious veracity.

In full.