Thursday, July 27, 2023



To the reader

Watch Demon possessed country ram attack on YouTube. In video link below!

Then watch this video .

To summarize such a ram attack. 


To the reader.the following blog website is a study on  the subject of trains cars helicopters  and planes versus horses wagons chariots and bicycles, regarding the true  functions  of transportation for humanity in this time frame of this existence.


And for the record , such a study includes images and videos.


This is beauty  

Just for the benefit of those who are interested in that subject.

W atch "A wonderous reincarnation 🤡of ed gein at 3955 🧑‍🌾longwoods road in southwestern Ontario🧟‍♀️" on YouTube

WATCH "ATTACK OF THE 😇🐑🤡KILLER🤪🐏 RAM🧚‍♀️at 3955 longwoods road southwestern Ontario 😍🐏😘" on YouTube

The following is a Precursor introduction to this website. With images and videos attached to summarize the truth of this matter humans presently face on earth appropriately in connection to the words of the biblical men both Moses and Jesus located in Matthew 5:17-20 , Leviticus 19:35-37 and Luke 4:4 obviously.

Worded below:

Studying and evaluating a brief true summary of my bicycle rides accross Ontario:

On Sun, Aug 6, 2023 at 6:25 AM vinnie venus <> wrote:

On Sun, Aug 6, 2023 at 6:24 AM vinnie venus wrote:

On the way back ?
I had to spend too much money buying water .

To hose myself down.

And their are no bicycle paths in most places on roads.
If the government wants people to be environmentally friendly, why don’t they put bicycle paths on roads.

It’s way too dangerous other wise.

Pure and simple.


On Sun, Aug 6, 2023 at 6:13 AM vinnie venus wrote:

I thought ‘’doing a 300 kilometre bike ride,’ in only a day was irrefutably possible .
I really believed i could do it.


After the 241 kilometre ride to goderich , 250 kilometres ride to wingham 232 kilometre ride to port Rowan and this 263 kilometre record setting ride?

I’ve come to the conclusion that ‘in only a day?

a 300 pedal ride is ‘for me’ next to impossible.

It can’t be done.
Unless I leave at 3 in the morning.

And start riding.

With perfect wind conditions?

But that’s not logical.
Leave for a pedal ride at 3 in the freaking morning?

I’ve measured the facts closely.

Theirs just simply not enough time in one day to do a 300 kilometre bicycle ride.

Unless I leave at 3in the morning?

O well.

But nevertheless?

Still ?

In only just over five weeks?

I did four bicycle rides of 231 kilometres or more .

On four separate occasions.

Or rather four individual separate days.

If you think that’s easy?

On the bike I’m riding?

With the weight I’m always carrying?

On my bicycle.?

Think again.

If ‘if I could do one ride ‘ while carrying no weight?

I believe 300 is possible.

With proper wind conditions.

The problem with that ?


Is I have to carry the weight with me.

The tools wrench pump jacket lunch water etc.

If I don’t?

It’s illogical.

Because I don’t have enough money to do bicycle rides like this on only a credit card.

Like the so called bicycle long distance pros 

And their bikes are way faster then mine.


Me doing 4 bicycle rides of 231 kilometres or more on 4 different occasions?

In only 5 weeks?

With the weight I carry?

On the bike I ride?

Compared to what the pros have ?

Take that into account?

I blow every so called pro cyclist away in biking abilities.

In this existence.

By far.


That’s obvious.

Pure and simple.


Incidentally, that’s my fifth ride of 200 kilometres or more this year.

That also is a new record for 
200 kilometre rides done by me in one year.
The previous record was four. 

In 2018.


The weird thing about that though?

I did four of them in five weeks.
That’s not easy.

When all the facts of this scenario  are considered.


If you think it is?

Then I’d like to see someone else do such rides.

Pure and simple

On Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 10:24 PM vinnie venus <wrote:
It wasn’t easy. 
This ride.
You know?
Well? Going out there was fairly easy,

But coming back?

I was struggling.

In a variety of facets.

Basically all the way

On Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 10:17 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
Got back at 10 pm.
Final tally?  263.7 kilometres.
New record. For a happy days riding.

On Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 1:51 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:

On Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 1:50 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
Bluewater line and Arnold road Chatham Kent? Wha?

On Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 1:48 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:

In connection to both mark 3:29 as well as 2nd Peter 1:19-21 of Christianity so a brief precursor introduction to this website is worded as follows.

In this simple written manner.

Just for the record ,

Why ‘’in this life’’’do most humans choose to disobey what Christianity’s Holy Ghost warn humans to do through Jesus Christ in Luke 12:1-3 of Christianity’s sacred scriptures?

In any facet or realm of this present formation of this existence?

Why is that statement correct?

In connection to Luke 6:26 for example so no nearly no one  or practically no one on earth does obey what Jesus says humans are to do in Luke 12:1-3 in this life.

By way of John 14:15 I suppose that’s a sign of how much humans on earth today truly passionately love Jesus?




Point made.

Yet ,for the record?

Just to be clear on this matter?

The real obvious answer to why no one on earth presently does what Jesus instructs humans to do through 2nd Peter 1:19-21 in Luke 12:1-3 of Christianity’s scriptures is simple.

The answer to that question is given in correct words at the conclusion of the following post attached to this site.

To the readers.

Just for the appropriate sake of record.

Pure and simple.

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